This bucket contains multiple datasets (as Quilt packages) created by the Allen Institute for Cell Science. The types of data included in this bucket are listed below:
- Field of view or cropped images of cells
- Segmentations of structures in the images (e.g., boundaries of cells, DNA, other intracellular structures, etc.)
- Processed versions of the above images and segmentations
- Machine learning predictions and labels of the data listed above
- Models trained on the previously listed data
- Additional supporting non-image data related to the above listed data types (e.g., gene expression data, whole genome sequencing data, features derived from the images or model predictions, metadata)
- Simulation, analysis, and visualization data of in silico cell structures, cells, and cell populations
External funding:The generation of some datasets was supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes under Award Number UM1HG011593. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
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Usage Examples
Tools & Applications
AICS Volume Viewer by Dan Toloudis
AICSImageIO by Matthew Bowden, Jackson Brown, Jamie Sherman, Dan Toloudis
Allen Cell Feature Explorer by Allen Institute for Cell Science
Allen Cell Structure Segmenter by Jianxu Chen, Liya Ding, Matheus P. Viana, Melissa C. Hendershott, Ruian Yang, Irina A. Mueller, Susanne M. Rafelski
Integrated Mitotic Stem Cell by Allen Institute for Cell Science
Pytorch 3D Integrated Cell by Gregory R. Johnson, Rory M. Donovan-Maiye, Mary M. Maleckar
Visual Guide to Human Cells by Allen Institute for Cell Science
4D hybrid model interrogates agent-level rules and parameters driving hiPS cell colony dynamics by Jessica S. Yu, Blair Lyons, Susanne Rafelski, Julie A. Theriot, Neda Bagheri & Graham T. Johnson
A comprehensive analysis of gene expression changes in a high replicate and open-source dataset of differentiating hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes by Tanya Grancharova*, Kaytlyn A. Gerbin*, Alexander B. Rosenberg, Charles M. Roco, Joy E.Arakaki , Colette M. DeLizo, Stephanie Q. Dinh, Rory M. Donovan-Maiye, Matthew Hirano, Angelique M. Nelson, Joyce Tang, Julie A. Theriot, Calysta Yan, Vilas Menon, Sean P. Palecek, Georg Seelig & Ruwanthi N. Gunawardane
A deep generative model of 3D single-cell organization by Rory M. Donovan-Maiye, Jackson M. Brown, Caleb K. Chan, Liya Ding, Calysta Yan, Nathalie Gaudreault, Julie A. Theriot, Mary M. Maleckar, Theo A. Knijnenburg & Gregory R. Johnson
A human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cell model for the holistic study of epithelial to mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) by Caroline Hookway*, Antoine Borensztejn*, Leigh K. Harris*, Sara Carlson, Gokhan Dalgin, Suraj Mishra, Nivedita Nivedita, Ellen M. Adams, Tiffany Barszczewski, Julie C. Dixon, Jacqueline H. Edmonds, Erik A. Ehlers, Alexandra J. Ferrante, Margaret A. Fuqua, Philip Garrison, Janani Gopalan, Benjamin W. Gregor, Maxwell J. Hedayati, Kyle N. Klein, Chantelle L. Leveille, Sean L. Meharry, Haley S. Morris, Gouthamrajan Nadarajan, Sandra A. Oluoch, Serge E. Parent, Amber Phan, Brock Roberts, Emmanuel E. Sanchez, M. Filip Sluzewski, Lev S. Snyder, Derek J. Thirstrup, John Paul Thottam, Julia R. Torvi, Gaea Turman, Matheus P. Viana, Lyndsay Wilhelm, Chamari S. Wijesooriya, Jie Yao, Julie A. Theriot, Susanne M. Rafelski & Ruwanthi N. Gunawardane
Automated human induced pluripotent stem cell culture and sample preparation for 3D live-cell microscopy by Benjamin W. Gregor*, Mackenzie E. Coston*, Ellen M. Adams, Joy Arakaki, Antoine Borensztejn, Thao P. Do, Margaret A. Fuqua, Amanda Haupt, Melissa C. Hendershott, Winnie Leung, Irina A. Mueller, Aditya Nath, Angelique M. Nelson, Susanne M. Rafelski, Emmanuel E. Sanchez, Madison J. Swain-Bowden, W. Joyce Tang, Derek J. Thirstrup, Winfried Wiegraebe, Brian P. Whitney, Calysta Yan, Ruwanthi N. Gunawardane & Nathalie Gaudreault
Cell states beyond transcriptomics: Integrating structural organization and gene expression in hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes by Kaytlyn A. Gerbin*, Tanya Grancharova*, Rory M. Donovan-Maiye*, Melissa C. Hendershott*, Helen G. Anderson, Jackson M. Brown, Jianxu Chen, Stephanie Q. Dinh, Jamie L. Gehring, Gregory R. Johnson, HyeonWoo Lee, Aditya Nath, Angelique M. Nelson, M. Filip Sluzewski, Matheus P. Viana, Calysta Yan, Rebecca J. Zaunbrecher, Kimberly R. Cordes Metzler, Nathalie Gaudreault, Theo A. Knijnenburg, Susanne M. Rafelski, Julie A. Theriot & Ruwanthi N. Gunawardane
Colony context and size-dependent compensation mechanisms give rise to variations in nuclear growth trajectories by Julie C. Dixon*, Christopher L. Frick*, Chantelle L. Leveille*, Philip Garrison, Peyton A. Lee, Saurabh S. Mogre, Benjamin Morris, Nivedita Nivedita, Ritvik Vasan, Jianxu Chen, Cameron L. Fraser, Clare R. Gamlin, Leigh K. Harris, Melissa C. Hendershott, Graham T. Johnson, Kyle N. Klein, Sandra A. Oluoch, Derek J. Thirstrup, M. Filip Sluzewski, Lyndsay Wilhelm, Ruian Yang, Daniel M. Toloudis, Matheus P. Viana, Julie A. Theriot & Susanne M. Rafelski
Integrated intracellular organization and its variations in human iPS cells by Matheus P. Viana, Jianxu Chen*, Theo A. Knijnenburg*, Ritvik Vasan*, Calysta Yan*... Allen Institute for Cell Science... Graham T. Johnson, Ruwanthi N. Gunawardane, Nathalie Gaudreault, Julie A. Theriot & Susanne M. Rafelski
Interpretable representation learning for 3D multi-piece intracellular structures using point clouds by Ritvik Vasan, Alexandra J. Ferrante, Antoine Borensztejn, Christopher L. Frick, Nathalie Gaudreault, Saurabh S. Mogre, Benjamin Morris, Guilherme G. Pires, Susanne M. Rafelski, Julie A. Theriot & Matheus P. Viana
Label-free prediction of three-dimensional fluorescence images from transmitted-light microscopy by Chawin Ounkomol, Sharmishtaa Seshamani, Mary M. Maleckar, Forrest Collman & Gregory R. Johnson
Systematic gene tagging using CRISPR/Cas9 in human stem cells to illuminate cell organization by Brock Roberts*, Amanda Haupt*, Andrew Tucker, Tanya Grancharova, Joy Arakaki, Margaret A. Fuqua, Angelique Nelson, Caroline Hookway, Susan A. Ludmann, Irina A. Mueller, Ruian Yang, Rick Horwitz, Susanne M. Rafelski & Ruwanthi N. Gunawardane