The Relating Clinical Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma to Personal Assessment of Genetic Profile study is the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF)’s landmark personalized medicine initiative. CoMMpass is a
longitudinal observation study of around 1000 newly diagnosed myeloma patients receiving various
standard approved treatments. The MMRF’s vision is to track the treatment and results for each
CoMMpass patient so that someday the information can be used to guide decisions for newly
diagnosed patients. CoMMpass checked on patients every 6 months for 8 years, collecting tissue
samples, genetic, information, quality of life and various disease and clinical outcomes. The
study has produced one of the largest genomic and clinical datasets of a single disease.
Update Frequency
Genomic Data Commons (GDC) is source of truth for this dataset; GDC offers monthly data releases,
although this dataset may not be updated at every release.
NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy:
Managed By

See all datasets managed by Center for Translational Data Science at The University of Chicago.
How to Cite
CoMMpass from the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation was accessed on DATE
Usage Examples
Tools & Applications
"Identification of Initiating Trunk Mutations and Distinct Molecular Subtypes: An Interim
Analysis of the Mmrf Commpass Study"
by Jonathan J Keats, PhD, Gil Speyer, Legendre Christophe, Christofferson Austin, Kristi
Stephenson, BS, Ahmet Kurdoglu, Megan Russell, Aldrich Jessica, Cuyugan Lori, Jonathan
Adkins, Jackie McDonald, Adrienne Helland, Alex Blanski, Meghan Hodges, Dan Rohrer, Sundar
Jagannath, MD, David Siegel, MD PhD, Ravi Vij, MD MBA, Gregory Orloff, MD, Todd Zimmerman,
MD, Ruben Niesvizky, MD, Darla Liles, MD, Joseph W. Fay, Jeffrey L. Wolf, MD PhD, Robert M.
Rifkin, Norma C Gutierrez, The MMRF CoMMpass Network, Jen Toups, Mary Derome, MS, Winnie
Liang, PhD, Seunchan Kim, Daniel Auclair, PhD, Pamela G. Kidd, MD, Scott Jewell, PhD, John
David Carpten, PhD, Sagar Lonial, MD
"Interim Analysis Of The MMRF CoMMpass Trial: a Longitudinal Study In Multiple Myeloma
Relating Clinical Outcomes To Genomic and Immunophenotypic Profiles"
by Keats JJ, Craig DW, Liang W, Venkata Y, Kurdoglu A, Aldrich J, Auclair D, Allen K, Harrison
B, Jewell S, Kidd PG, Correll M, Jagannath S, Siegel DS, Vij R, Orloff G, Zimmerman TM, MMRF
CoMMpass Network, Capone W, Carpten J, Lonial S.
"Interim Analysis of the Mmrf Commpass Trial: Identification of Novel Rearrangements
Potentially Associated with Disease Initiation and Progression"
by Sagar Lonial, MD, Venkata D Yellapantula, Winnie Liang, PhD, Ahmet Kurdoglu, BS, Jessica
Aldrich, MSc, Christophe M. Legendre, MD, Kristi Stephenson, Jonathan Adkins, Jackie
McDonald, Adrienne Helland, Megan Russell, Austin Christofferson, Lori Cuyugan, Dan Rohrer,
Alex Blanski, Meghan Hodges, Mmrf CoMMpass Network, Mary Derome, Daniel Auclair, PhD, Pamela
G. Kidd, MD, Scott Jewell, PhD, David Craig, PhD, John Carpten, PhD, Jonathan J. Keats, PhD
"Molecular Predictors of Outcome and Drug Response in Multiple Myeloma: An Interim Analysis
of the Mmrf CoMMpass Study"
by Jonathan J Keats, PhD, Gil Speyer, Austin Christofferson, Christophe Legendre, PhD, Jessica
Aldrich, Megan Russell, Lori Cuyugan, Jonathan Adkins, Alex Blanski, Meghan Hodges, Dan
Rohrer, Sundar Jagannath, MD, Ravi Vij, MD, Gregory Orloff, MD, Todd Zimmerman, MD, Ruben
Niesvizky, MD, Darla Liles, MD, Joseph W. Fay, Jeffrey L. Wolf, MD, Robert M Rifkin, Norma C
Gutierrez, MD PhD, Mmrf CoMMpass Network, Jennifer Yesil, MS, Mary Derome, MS, Seungchan
Kim, PhD, Winnie Liang, PhD, Pamela G. Kidd, MD, Scott Jewell, PhD, John David Carpten, PhD,
Daniel Auclair, PhD, Sagar Lonial, MD FACP