High-resolution historical and future climate simulations from 1980-2100
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New downscaled results are uploaded as soon as they become available
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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How to Cite
CMIP6 GCMs downscaled using WRF was accessed on DATE
Usage Examples
An Overview of the Western United States Dynamically Downscaled Dataset (WUS-D3) by Rahimi, S., Huang, L., Norris, J., Hall, A., Goldenson, N., Krantz, W., Bass, B., Thackeray, C., Lin, H., Chen, D., Dennis, E., Collins, E., Lebo, Z. J., Slinskey, E., Graves, S., Biyani, S., Wang, B., Cropper, S., and the UCLA Center for Climate Science Team
Is Bias Correction in Dynamical Downscaling Defensible? by Risser, M. D., Rahimi, S., Goldenson, N., Hall, A., Lebo, Z. J., and Feldman, D. R.
Memo on the Development and Availability of Dynamically Downscaled Projections Using WRF by Stefan Rahimi
Memo on the Evaluation of Downscaled GCMs Using WRF by Stefan Rahimi
Memorandum on Evaluating Global Climate Models for Studying Regional Climate Change in California by Will Krantz, David Pierce, Naomi Goldenson, Daniel Cayan
Understanding the Cascade: Removing GCM Biases Improves Dynamically Downscaled Climate Projections by Rahimi, S., Huang, L., Norris, J., Hall, A., Goldenson, N., Risser, M., Feldman, D. R., Lebo, Z. J., Dennis, E., and Thackeray, C.